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Is your happiness a myth

Life gives its own way of living and it is us who decide whether to make it an endless trauma full of agony, unhappiness or to make it as worth as breeze of spring. Maybe this world is full of competitions and a battle to be on top but we must always find a reason to keep smiling. It is all about chaos that most of the students generate in their life. It is not centralized only to students but to all generations and is observed in all stages of our life. People for the sake of other's happiness start acting in a fake manner and they actually forget their originality. It is the unavoidable elasticity of society that forces us to smile regardless of our will for the sake of other's happiness. ­The world might have become a far better place for embedded technologies but it has captured our emotions and we are trapped in the life which will never give us immense pleasure to real happiness and joy unless we break the rubber bands tied to our jaws those forces us to smile for others. With the growing pace of life, we have learned to smile to suppress or hide our emotions in front of society, thinking that it might be good for everyone in and around our family. We spend more time with heartless machines and robots rather than spending a few glorious moments with our families, colleagues, peers or even their relatives. This may slowly drag us into depression. We should try being us and instead of setting a benchmark for our success in colleges or companies we should rather set a benchmark to be real though our entire life. We should try to just be free to express our emotions and be FREE and HAPPY. This might not give us the crores of money while we are talking last breath on our bed, but it will surely give us a million reasons to keep smiling even at that last second of life and this is what will make life worth living.

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